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RealWear launches three new assisted reality products

RealWear launches three new assisted reality products

RealWear, a provider of assisted reality wearable solutions for frontline industrial professionals, has this week announced the launch of three new products, including the RealWear App Marketplace, RealWear Connect, and...
What’s Generative AI’s Role in AR Shopping?

What’s Generative AI’s Role in AR Shopping?

AR shopping has revolutionised the retail industry by offering customers an immersive and interactive shopping experience. By blending the virtual and real worlds, AR shopping significantly boosts customer engagement and experience, leading to increased...
5 Ways VR Can Enter the Classroom

5 Ways VR Can Enter the Classroom

Although many universities and informal classrooms used technology prior to 2020, the pandemic forced educators to rapidly implement new tech to continue teaching during the height of COVID-19. Many students...
Where Are We in XR’s Lifecycle?

Where Are We in XR’s Lifecycle?

Spatial computing – including AR, VR, and other immersive tech – continues to alter the ways that we work, play, and live. But there have been ups and downs, characteristic...
The Future of mixed Reality: How It's Changing the World!

The Future of mixed Reality: How It's Changing the World!

As concepts like virtual and augmented reality slowly grow in popularity, Mixed Reality (MR) is also becoming increasingly popular in technical industries.
What are the Internet of Behaviour (IoB) implications for XR Analytics?

What are the Internet of Behaviour (IoB) implications for XR Analytics?

The Internet of Behaviour (IoB) is a technology trend with significant opportunities and benefits for extended reality (XR). It adds a layer of psychology to the Internet of Things (IoT)...
Virtual Reality for Manufacturing: A Game-Changer for Productivity

Virtual Reality for Manufacturing: A Game-Changer for Productivity

Discover the benefits of using virtual reality for the manufacturing industry, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety. Virtual reality technology is already changing how manufacturers work, but managing...
Nreal Air AR glasses get Windows support

Nreal Air AR glasses get Windows support

Nebula for Windows releases for the Nreal Air. The software mirrors the PC user interface on the AR glasses The Nreal Air AR viewers are primarily useful for media consumption. The headset...
Kognitiv Spark upgrades its flagship Mixed Reality solution with release of RemoteSpark 2.0

Kognitiv Spark upgrades its flagship Mixed Reality solution with release of RemoteSpark 2.0

Kognitiv Spark, a provider of industrial mixed and augmented reality (MR/AR) task support software, has recently announced the release of RemoteSpark 2.0, the latest version of the company’s mixed reality...
The Fourth Sense: How Can Smell Deepen Immersion?

The Fourth Sense: How Can Smell Deepen Immersion?

Extended Reality innovators are constantly looking for new ways to make experiences feel more engaging and immersive.   Whether users are using an AR app on their smartphone, exploring virtual worlds...
What is XR Cloud Streaming?

What is XR Cloud Streaming?

Understanding XR content streaming  Extended Reality is exploding into the spotlight across virtually every industry. Once viewed as a novelty, technology has emerged as a valuable tool for boosting everything...
How Do Emerging Technologies Help Shape Personalised Learning Experiences?

How Do Emerging Technologies Help Shape Personalised Learning Experiences?

How will Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence affect the future of personalised learning? Read on to discover 5 predictions for the future! What Does The Future Of Personalised Learning Hold?...